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The blog of Chris Cisneros
AmanuenCis is a name I created using the word 'amanuensis' and the the first three letters of my surname.
It means "one who writes by dictation." In this case, my imagination dictates. These postings illustrate my style
and wit. They are a mix of daily interactions, short fictional stories, and etymology. My Medium page is here.

Nothing to Wine About

This is a scenario I thought up after seeing a headline about wine. Person 1: "Could you bring me some wine?" Person 2: "Why? Whhhhyy?...

Becky with the Good Hip

I was at the gym late last night. On a stationary bike. An older man came in and started using the one next to me. He looked overworked....

Yappy Birthday!

I just had a random conversation with a stranger that was so long, it had chapters. ​It happened when I was looking at birthday cards for...

The Laughing Pharmacist

Pharmacies have such a stale atmosphere. The employees can seem too serious at times, hardly ever expressing any emotion. They're like...

"Handcrafted" Cringe

I have to vent about something that grates me. Any time I see the words "handcrafted beverage", I cringe. ​ So many popular corporations...

Keep Tahoe (cough cough)

When I left the gym today, the car in front of me had a bumper sticker that read “Keep Tahoe Blue. Keep Tahoe Kind.” I had the window...

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